Saturday, April 2, 2011


Ok. So I'm still trying to grasp this... but Darkest Ebony got self published.
*restrains self*
Yep. My birthday is on monday, so my parents had it self published for me. I have a copy of my book sitting right in front of me and I can't stop picking it up and messing with it. It's super surreal.

See that?
That's my book.
In print.
*screams and pulls hair out*

I'm probably sending mixed signals. Am I happy or upset or whatever. The truth is, I'm kind of numb. Like, totally in shock. Like seeing your own grave or something. I really wanted to get it picked up by a real publishing company and go through all that, and self-publishing is a pretty good way to see that you don't get published unless your book does phenomenally well. However, I'm thrilled at the same time. It's absolutely insane to see your book in print sitting next to you.

Yeah, that's DE sitting on my bookshelf. Right next to City of Bones. EEEEP.

Oh, and you might notice that I've actually got relevant pictures on my stuff up. What's up with that?
Well, because I got a camera too. Awesome, isnt it?
And the good news is I know how to work this one. So I'll (hopefully) be putting pictures up more often. You know, pictures I didn't find on the net.
And so, because I'm trying to keep my mind off the fact that my 'natural market' for publishing is hosed and the fact that I'm actually a published author (daunting 0-0) I'm going to put up some random pictures I took today.
This is my dog Bella looking confused.
Actually, I just shouted "Hungry" (her trigger word meaning "I'm going to feed you now.")
She looked right at the camera though. Hehe. I feel mean, but she's sleeping now.

And here's Bella making a dumb face. She does that a lot.

Here's a picture of my bookshelf. I'm going to have to get another one soon.

And here's my quote (famous around my house ;) Writers are dreamers with eyes open.
My mom decided my wall needed redecorating and put it up. I, personally, adore the font.

So thats it ^-^ Very epic. I'll blog again after I chill out a little, so laters peeps!!!

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