Sunday, March 27, 2011

Skinned. Don't get creeped out, it's a book title.

Oh lookit!!!! I did a real book review *is proud*
Skinned- Robin Wasserman
Some miracles come with a price . . .
Lia Kahn was perfect: rich, beautiful, popular. Until the accident that nearly killed her.
Now she has been downloaded into a new body that only looks human. Lia will never feel pain again, she will never age, and she can't ever truly die.

Ok, that's not the real pitch, but it was the closest thing I could find in limited time.
...Mleh. It was kind of straight out.
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Plot: It was very...deep. This is going to make me sound more like a moron than usual, but usually I read light books. You know, glopping in the dark and/or gooey romance with lots of werewolves and violence. This book inspired much, much more thought. It was a little hard to follow sometimes, but really good.
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Characters: They were pretty good, really. Not the best, but they were certainly striking and original. As most are in dystopians.
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Character names: Not too shabby. Nothing really special, but nothing that would inspire a WTF reaction. As a matter of fact, I really like the name Auden.
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Originality: It was VERY original. So yeah.
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Cover: I thought it was interesting. Not the most amazing thing ever, but it certainly caught my attention. I saw some other girl reading it a while ago and was jealous- I was reading The Giver for school.
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Setting: It was good in some places, poor in others. She didn't do a bad job at explaining it, it just wasn't all that interesting or original, you know? 
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Writing Style: It was amazing. Well, kind of. The language was amazing. She just spend SO long using that amazing language that we didn't actually get anything important until about 30 pages into the book. Bleh.
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Imagery and attention to detail: Eeeeh, pretty good. She had a lot of detail that sounded like it was interesting. It would've been if she actually explained what any of it was. She talked about "Linking in" all the time, but never actually tells the reader what exactly linking in was, even though it was a huge deal for them. I got the impression it was facebook meets world of warcraft meets the news. Fasinating, but I wish she went more into explaining what it was.
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Title: It fits really well, actually. It's a little creepy and unusual before you read the book, but it just clicks afterwards.
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Overall sunshiny rating:  ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

Is it worth the read?: Yeah, I'd say so =) I mean, it's not the most amazing thing ever, but it's certainly worth the read.
Pacing: The pacing was terrible. No offense to the author, but it was. It took a nice long time for us to get into the real meat of the story, and afterwards it really seemed to drag anyways.

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