Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Double book review take 2 ;)

Before I fall- Lauren Oliver

What if you only had one day to live? What would you do? Who would you kiss? And how far would you go to save your own life?
Samantha Kingston has it all: the world’s most crush-worthy boyfriend, three amazing best friends, and first pick of everything at Thomas Jefferson High—from the best table in the cafeteria to the choicest parking spot. Friday, February 12, should be just another day in her charmed life.

Instead, it turns out to be her last. Then she gets a second chance. Seven chances, in fact. Reliving her last day during one miraculous week, she will untangle the mystery surrounding her death—and discover the true value of everything she is in danger of losing.

I thought it was pretty good =) Especially the end.
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Plot: Repeating myself: Kind of Amazing @-@ If there was a reason for me to read general fiction, it would probably be books like this.☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

Pacing: I'm not going to lie; it dragged a lot. It would've been hard not to drag in some places though; she repeated the same day 7 times. The second one was almost exactly like the first, so it was pretty much 100 pages of pointlessness. But, in general, it wasn't too bad.
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Characters: They were pretty great =) Especially Kent. Rob was a scum-bag though. *mutters*
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Character names: Forgive me for being indecisive, but the names were too plain. Elody was the only interesting name; everyone else had the same names you use for side characters you're too lazy to actually put thought into. You may shoot me for now complaining about the names being too normal after I whined about Peitr (Who I totally love soooooo much ;), Patch (Who I love almost as much as Peitr) and Lend (Who I love equally to Pietr ^-^) Soooooory.
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Originality: It was pretty original :D You wouldn't guess it, but there were a lot of things hard to see coming. And, despite her super-cliche name, Sam was a pretty original main character.
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Cover: Meh, it was ok.  BUT THE AUTHOR DIDN'T CAPITILIZE AGAIN, DAMNIT!!! *Clears throat* Sorry.
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Setting: It was actually pretty good. It seems authors don't seem to be going much into setting these days, but it was't horrid, so...
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Writing Style: Pretty good, actually
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Imagery and attention to detail: Awesome :D I love Kent's checkered shoes ^-^
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Title: Fits pretty well :D
 ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

Overall sunshiny rating:  ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

Is it worth the read?: Most definitely :D

The Replacement- Brenna Yovanoff
Waa. I can't find the pitch and I'm too lazy to really look for it or type it up. Trust me, it's about a six, methinks.
Pitch: ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

Plot: Meh, it was pretty good. Not really my piece of cake.
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Pacing: The pacing was actually pretty good. Things moved along nicely.
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Characters: In general they were ok, but they could've used more development.
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Character names: Not too bad. I wasn't sold on Mackie (=P) right off the bat, but it wasn't like my worst nightmares come to life.
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Originality: It was pretty original, but...mleh
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Cover: Pretty darn awesome, if you ask me.
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Setting: Setting wasn't bad =) Not bad at all. 
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Writing Style: mleh. Yeah, that's all I've really got to say.
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Imagery and attention to detail: Pretty good =) Sometimes the visuals you got were awesome.
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Title: Fits it to a t. Not the coolest or most original, but hey, It'll do. ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

Overall sunshiny rating:  ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ (Mleh. Not very sunshiny)

Is it worth the read?: ...Maybe. I don't really know. It wasn't bad... it just wasn't great. Would I reccomend buying it? No. Would I reccomend picking it up from the library and giving it a shot of you're bored? Sure. Maybe you'll like it more than I did.

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