Saturday, February 5, 2011

I'm feeling pessimistic

Not doing a real blog today. I'm too angry at the world, so I'm venting at the blog no one will listen to. At least this way I can pretend someone will read it.

Aunt and Uncle came over today. Parents made me out to be 'kid who's been on the computer all day". I was on the computer for an hour. After I took a shower, cleaned my room until it was spotless without being prompted, and talked to my sister for a good two hours. But I'm the kid who has to be glued to the computer. Then they made me out to be "Bad, moody teenager," which I hate. So. freaking. much. So I'm up in my room while they talk about me like I'm a little kid and dismiss me from conversation because I can't possibly understand anything.

Sorry. If you're reading this, it's obviously not because you want to hear me vent. So I'll try to come up with something useful to say.

... Ok, I think I got it. I'm going to write now. Still love mah Damon homie.

Yes, I am!!! It's coming pretty well so far. It's why I didn't re-blog yesterday; because I spent twelve hours starting my animation. Well, kind of; I spent five hours starting it, forgot to save, the computer dumped me, then I spent 7 hours re-doing it. So now I'm 60 something slides in :D Some of it is crappy, but some of it's coming along pretty well. I hope to finish it soon. Then I'll upload it on YoTube, hopefully.

^This is the style I'm doing the animated video in.
Yeah, I know it sucks. Bad. But the actual video should hopefully be a lot better than what's above. Because I did that one in literally less than a minute as opposed to twenty, ignored anatomy, didn't use my tablet or the fancy program that makes everything look better, and got fed up with the grass after about two seconds. Just wanted to show the vauge style; I'm not a very good animator though, and this is my first ever time using a tabled ^-^'' bear with me people.

 So yay, something to be happy about! I'd be working on it now if my mom didn't kick me off because "i've been on the computer all day". Great, that's going to ruin the rest of my day now.

So, I'm supposed to be writing Frozen now, but if I don't get some one-on-four time with Fallon, Kyri, Leo, and Cyrus I'm going to go beserk and possibly break down and cry. Because I'm feeling extra emotional today. So later, peeps!!!! Wish you all a better day than the one I'm having right now =)

Delena video of the day: Everything you want
Song of the day: Everything you want. I'm TOTALLY in love with that song today <3 So yeah.

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