Thursday, February 3, 2011


Ok, sorry I'm being so bad about blogging lately. I'm sick today though, and I really don't feel like doing a complete blog ^-^'' plus TVD comes on in 20 minutes (from the time I'm writing this, at least)

Song of the day: DLZ-TV on the Radio

If it sounds familiar, it's because it was the final song on the TVD Episode 2x12 episode. You know, the one where Damon went totally crackers? We still luff him though; just because he had an emotional breakdown and talked of extrocentral (SP) crisis we're still smitten. Well, normal people are. If you're not, go get smitten. I command you! *stomps foot*
Is it wrong that I wish I could be Elena here? ^ Yeah, probably since Elena's a whiny B!tch, but whatever. She's a lucky one.

Erm, Delena video of the day: Our time now

Oh, and this is the other song of the day.
And today is an excerpt thursday :D So ima post one about Remember... crap, I didn't announce remember, did I? I'll announce it next time, with my two awesome new covers too ;) So... Remember excerpt!!!!


Frantic, I picked up the first chain cuffs and locked them around my ankles. In the next room over, Zepar’s screams rose into the air. I knew Dr. Reese would be gone by now. She was usually out the door before M locked himself in. Every day, she claimed it was late and she must be getting home. But we all knew the truth; the screams scared her just as much as they scared me.
In a hurry, I locked on the manacles and threw the collar around my neck. I crouched down, pulling my shoes off and throwing them as far out of reach as I could get them. Already, my skin was starting to shiver. It knew what was coming as well as I did.
Finally, the moonlight came through the hole in the ceiling. My skin jerked under its touch, something stirring under the skin. A violent scream was wrenched from my body, and I threw my head up so I could see the mirror.
Already my pale face was contorted in pain, and my fingernails came up without my command to claw at the skin on my neck. My body was in spasms, skin tearing and red flesh showing through. It was burning away in the inferno of the demon, and soon my other face showed. My skin was the crimson as blood. It stayed that way, bloody, for a few moments, and then started to drain completely of color until I was white as a sheet. When I smiled, my teeth were pointed.
My legs and torso lengthened just a little, giving me an extra few inches, and my nails grew long and sharp. The sound of my screaming had died away in my ears, but chances were it hadn’t stopped. I couldn’t focus on sound. It was like I’d gone deaf. Maybe I had.
There was that tugging sensation at my back, and I turned my head to see the intricate bones emerging from my back. They found the narrow slices in my shirt, spreading out behind me in a skeletal fashion. The white tips arched high above my head, stretching, and flesh started to stretch over the delicate framework that was attached to my back. Then the sleek, black feathers came in, leaving the huge dark wings to fold against my back.
Very slowly, unwilling to see my new face, I turned and looked at the mirror. My lips were a vivid scarlet, and beyond them my teeth glittered an unnatural, shining white. My eyelashes elongated, giving my face an inhuman look that was equally terrifying than beautiful. No, not beautiful.
Because what I was wasn't beautiful.
It was demon-esque.

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