Thursday, February 10, 2011


Song of the day: Set fire to the third bar- Snow patrol. This song TOTALLY makes me think of Shiver by Maggie Steifvater.

Quote of the day: "Nice is overrated~" Mason Lockwood
"That's what I think!!!!!" ~ Damon Salvatore <3 (LMAO. Nice, Damon)

Thoughts: DAAAAAAAAAAMON <3, mah homie, looking good as always ;) Can't believe the stupid  [censor] attacked you though.

What I should be doing right now: Writing Frozen *checks watch* I've got until the night of the 12th to write 2k. Sounds easy, but Camilla's being a PAIN.


So, Non-existant blog reader peeps, today was a Vampire Diaries day, hence my late blog ;) I was too busy shouting at the screen to blog. But I'm blogging now :D Isnt it wonderful (no one cares, Jordan [didn't ask you opinion, Fallon])

Don't really have anything to say today. Hmm. Um... I hate Jules? I finished Crescendo (Hush, Hush sequal), took some pictures of dead trees, made some covers, sat around and stared at a wall. You know, the usual. I want to write my Fallon book soooooo much. But Kyri's being an attention hog, so I can't yet T-T I'm thinking I might make a Darkest Ebony prequel with Fallon's story too. If so, I'll call it something lame like The Wolf's Bane (Fallon Wolvesbane, get it?) or The Fall of Falloness McCormic, Alpha Dog (Since the epiquil is From the Journals of Fallon Wolvesbane, (and, well, the rest of them). [If you haven't read the books or just don't care, Fallon's birthname was Falloness McCormic. Then she went totally emancipated bad@$$ and changed her name]  Dunno if I'll actually write it publically though. Hmm.

I need a picture or two, so here's one.

Oh, right, blogging. There. Now it looks like this is a real blog rather than insane rambling. So yeah.

Ok, if you're reading this for news on the animated trailer, don't get excited. The animation's were so crappy I'm redoing most of it. And adding a lot more Fallon, because I'm totally bias ;) It's good to be the writer.

I'm jealous of Andy Starr, and she's not even real. She's been on Vampire Diaries for ONE DAY and already she's Damon's new girlfriend. It sucks to be a real person and not a TVD character. They get to be within 40 feet of Damon.

OH, and I've been working hard at character sketches. Of my werewolf character in wolf form of course, since my people-drawing skills are super crappy. I'm going to upload them on my deviantart soon and then blog them at you guys. 'Cause Ima showoff.

Oh, speaking of showing off, today is a Thursday ;) Thursday excerpt AND new Frozen cover.

^ See?
Burning in the sunlight. Totally authentic vamps.

“Waiting for someone, Edge?” I asked, sauntering into sight. He turned to look at me with a lack of surprise on his face; he would’ve known I was coming. The only question was when.
He rose from Fred’s tombstone, and I gave him an irritated look. Hassling poor Fred just to keep me from avoiding him was getting rather annoying. “Camilla,” he greeted me stiffly.
I made a low irritated sound, putting my hands on my hips. “What do you want?”
A slow, tired smile came across his face. “I want you to give me another chance.” His reply took me by surprise; I didn’t realize he was moving until he was right in front of me. He looked down at me with level, fathomless black eyes and I looked unflinchingly into his gaze.
“No,” I said, no hint of reluctance in my voice. I smirked, a quick twist of my lips, and moved around him.
Fortunately, Edge wasn't one of those guys who slinks off to sulk until he reclaimed enough of his ego to try again. “Why did Ramon find Raines’s body at the bottom of the river?” he asked, almost casually.
I stopped, throwing him a look over my shoulder. “I thought that was obvious; I killed him.”

Yeah, short/lame excerpt, I know. But I was lazy today. Making book covers ;) Anyways, I'll try to blog more often. I've been a lazy bum. But hey, this is the last Frozen Excerpt, I think. You'll be able to read the actual thing on Inkpop on the 13th :D Mah Inkivercery.

Oh, if you care, get ready for a party peeps. Darkest Ebony's birthday is on the 12th *teary eyed* My projects grown so much since then. It's gramatically corect now, and Kyri's less of a wuss. So, so proud eeeeehh!!!

Oh, right, no one cares. Anyways, Peace, Love, and Vampire Diaries everyone!!!!

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