Monday, January 31, 2011

Double- No, not rainbow =P Book review!!! *chibi peace sign*

Slightly modified this time ^-^ There were some things I forgot to add

*Some slight spoilers this time*

~13 to Life- Shannon Delany~

Something strange is stalking the small town of Junction…
When junior Jess Gillmansen gets called out of class by Guidance, she can only presume it’s for one of two reasons. Either they’ve finally figured out who wrote the scathing anti-jock editorial in the school newspaper or they’re hosting yet another intervention for her about her mom. Although far from expecting it, she’s relieved to discover Guidance just wants her to show a new student around—but he comes with issues of his own including a police escort.
The newest member of Junction High, Pietr Rusakova has secrets to hide--secrets that will bring big trouble to the small town of Junction—secrets including dramatic changes he’s undergoing that will surely end his life early.

Meh, I thought it was ok. Not great.
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Plot: Actually, it was pretty good. Werewolves totally WEREN'T the main focus, but it was a pretty good story anyways ;) There, that was the end of the minimal spoilers. PIETR IS A WEREWOLF. If you didn't happen to guess from the wolves in the first chapter and the full freaking moon on the cover. Sorry, that was bitter. I took a math midterm today.
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Pacing: The pacing was excelent =) Some places were a little quick, but there wasnt really a moment I'd call dull
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Characters: They were pretty good =) There was very little development for the side characters, but the characters you did get to know were pretty cool (Especialy Pietr *coughcough*) They were very original, certainly. You either loved them or hated them. Or wished they got more than six lines of dialogue in the entire book despite the fact they were in every other scene =)
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Character names: I felt it was important to add this, because I keep choosing books with WTH names lately. In general, the names were pretty good. I just wish she hadn't maimed the name Peter so it was spelled Pietr. At least she recognised it was a dumb spelling though...
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Originality: It was VERY original. This is got to be the first werewolf book I've read that didn't focus on mah homies. And it involved the Rusian Mafia, which I haven't had the pleasure to stumble across yet. So yep, A+ for 13 to Life on Originality
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Cover: Meh, it's not bad. Personally, I think I could do better, but it actually displays a scene (you know, minus the giant hovering eye) so it's cool.
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Setting: Pretty good =) She didn't really describe the places we were in, but all the important ones were pretty vivid. Definitely a plus.
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Writing Style: Pretty good. It was captivating while reading, but when you went back she was definitely a fan of run on sentences. There were places where it got a little hard to understand what she was talking about too.
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Imagery and attention to detail: Pretty good job =) There were little, unimportant things dabbled here and there, but I really like that in a story.
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Title: Great! I haven't come across a 13 to life, and it fits =)
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Overall sunshiny rating:  ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

Is it worth the read: Yeah, I think so. It's not super-paranormal, but it was a good read and you'll LUFF Pietr. If his name doesnt annoy you to the point where you slap him. I'll definitely be reading the next book, which comes out Febuary 15th.

~Hush, Hush- Becca Fitzpatric~

For Nora Grey, romance was not part of the plan. She's never been particularly attracted to the boys at her school, no matter how much her best friend, Vee, pushes them at her. Not until Patch came along. With his easy smile and eyes that seem to see inside her, Nora is drawn to him against her better judgment.
But after a series of terrifying encounters, Nora's not sure who to trust. Patch seems to be everywhere she is, and to know more about her than her closest friends. She can't decide whether she should fall into his arms or run and hide. And when she tries to seek some answers, she finds herself near a truth that is way more unsettling than anything Patch makes her feel.
For Nora is right in the middle of an ancient battle between the immortal and those that have fallen - and, when it comes to choosing sides, the wrong choice will cost her life.

Pretty good =) Hooked me (not that that's hard to do for a book...)
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Plot: Not the Twilight-knock-off regurgitate I expected. I actually couldn't put it down *rubs back of head*
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Pacing: It was ok. It stayed interesting, but Becca had a thing for putting Patch in every scene. You know how you should have some control and give the MC time without the guy they're supposed to fall in love with? Becca forgot that part.
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Characters: They were delightful =) Especially Patch *huggles* Nora was ok too, I guess... hmm.
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Character names: GAH, NO. THE NEW RULE OF WRITING IS 'THOUGH SHALL NOT NAME THEIR MC AFTER THEIR DEAD DOG". Ok, that was mean, sorry Patch. But your name sucks. Nora's and Vee's aren't much better.
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Originality: Like I said earlier, it wasn't as bad as I'd heard it would be. There were actually little things that suprised me. ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

Cover: I LOVE it <3 It's totally NOT what I think Patch looks like, but it's a superfreaking awesome none the less. If only authors could remember capitalization on their covers. First twilight, now this. CAPITILIZATION, PEEPS
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Setting: Meh, it was ok. She didn't go into huge detail.
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Writing Style: I didn't catch any super-lameness. No complains =)
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Imagery and attention to detail: No comment. Not because it's good or bad- I just have nothing to say about it.
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Title: =P Unless I missed something, she picked the title because it's never been used. It makes no sense.
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Overall sunshiny rating:  ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

I actually really liked it =) Patch was AWESOME (once you got past his stupid name. She might have been better off with Rover) and it was a good laugh. Not something you need to drop everything and go buy, but it's certainly worth the read.
I'll do a real blog... LATAH!!!

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