Sunday, January 23, 2011

I think I might go prematurely gray

Song of the day: Starry eyed- Ellie Goulding. But that was the song of the day yesterday, soooooooooo Wait for You - Elliott Yamin

Quote of the day: "Substitute "damn" every time you're inclined to write "very;" your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be." ~Mark Twain. I laughed so hard the first time I read this. And I feel like writing damn in my manuscript every three seconds.

Hmm. Camilla and Ian and Edge are going to stab my guts out. And 'den they're going to laugh. Becaues I'm not writing about them this exact second (obviously, Jordan, you're blogging. At least you didn't put me in it today.)

What I should be doing right now: Um... studying for midterms? Writing Frozen? I finished editing <3 so I have nothing to do </3



Oh, right. No one cares. Sooooo.....

So.... pretty much loafed around today. Had an emotion brokedown and cried for no apparent reason. Got over it. Ate a cupcake. You know, the usual. I think I might be minimally bipolar. Wouldn't surprise me.

Today is Izzy's birthday :D She just turned 3. I remember when she was a little baby dog. She screamed whenever anyone picked her up. Now she just yells at me when I hug her XD
We took her to PetSmart so she could pick out her present. She sat on me and almost ate this lady's little rat dog. 

Oh, and that was after we watched some guy drive straight down the street and crash head on into another car. He was texting, I think XD They were both fine. But the lady was kind of angry; she tried to break into his car and started kicking it. Poor Woman with her dented red car and anger issues.

And when I got home I watched Mortal Kombat. It's a totally ninja movie from 1995 if you haven't heard/seen it. And yes, I know I spelled Kombat with a K. That's how the movie spells it 0_o
The god dude with lightning eyes creeped me out a bunch of times. And I made fun of the ending for like 20 minutes after it ended. My family is watching Anastasia now. I want to see it, but I don't have time right now T_T XD I'll just watch it during World History tomorrow.

Oh, right. I said I was going to go prematurely gray, didn't I? Yeah, as it turns out, ABNA starts tomorrow. I'm going to pull my hair out from suspense, if it doesnt go gray first. Which sucks, because I'm only 14. So I'm going to enter tomorrow and crash n' fail. Awesome, isn't it?

Oh (again), and before I end my blog I read Falling by Daediel today. It was AWESOME. You need to read it NOW. It's about werewolves. But it doesn't focus on the werewolves. It's hard to explain. Just. Go. Read. It. (The title is a link, bwt)

Oh, and FOUR MORE DAYS TO DAMON!!!!! Erm, I mean, Vampire Diaries!!!!! YES!!!!

So yeah. Peace, Love, and Vampire Diaries everyone!!!! ;)

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