Monday, January 17, 2011

So...I started a blog.

Kyle told me to. And he's the master of all. Including Space. He's an Astronaut.

So I've been meaning to start a blog for a while. Not that anyone cares, you know, but I needed a place to dump morbid thoughts. And ideas, don't forget the ideas. They're very muy important.
If you're reading this, it's probably because you got a link from me. In which case, you know I'm a writer. A psycotic one with an alter-ego named Fallon at that.

If you were wondering (and didn't already know), Darkest Ebony is my main book. Hence why it's the link adress whatchamacallit. I love that book to death, and if you so much as bring it up you'll never be able to get me off the topic. Especially if you mention Leo or Fallon. Or Cy. Or Kyri. Or anyone else I love to death.

So... I'm posting a little about me. I'm Jordan :D I have an alter ego named Fallon. If I introduce myself as Fallon, run for your life and scream. She's a werewolf psychomurderer.
Um... I adore music. Like, a lot. I have a new favorite song every day. I probably like any band you like. Feel free to ask me :D Oh, and I LOVE DAMON SALVATORE. And Jace from Mortal Instruments :D Sooooooo much.

I'm introverted, so I have no real friends. Yep, tragically sad. But I have lotsa Inkpop friends that I luvvles to death. Mah Inkpop buddies are Zoey (Seattlelover7), Kelly (Kelly Moton), Autumn (When the rain falls), Lexie (Lex Born) and lotsa other people that are escaping my brain with its too short attention span. Feel free to remind me and I'll attempt to update this list. I don't know if I can... hmm.
So... I'm running out of things to say. Besides Damon again. I'll come up with more later. And expect a lot of mention of Isabella, my dog. I talk about her a lot.
Peace, Love, and Vampire Diaries all!

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